And we’re moving

In the past few weeks a few people have contacted me about coming on EvE again. And I’m in the process of making some things happen. It’ll take a while but eventually something will happen. I’m not going to say when because I can’t set a date to it.

Other than my return to EvE, I’m still in the process of building a house. Well, letting people build it for me. All the damn paperwork, it’s a real pain in the ass. But we’re getting there.

Outside that I’ll also be moving the site to a different provider within the next few days. Time for another change 😉

See you all “soon”

The way of life

A while back I told myself that if I ever decided to go check out K-space again, I would join up with Goonswarm. Not because I know much about null sec politics and because I think they’re “cool” and whatnot. But mostly because I thought that if I were to join a group, why not join the group everyone loves to hate.

So when the guys I flew with decided to go back to Stain for a while. I just went ‘Ok, let’s see if I can get into Goons’

At the time of writing this, I have literally been part of the Goonswarm for seven days.

In those seven days I have setup jabber, mumble coms, other authentication stuff like their forums etc etc. And joined in on a few fleets. I had a few problems with the fleets itself but that’s the way of life out here.

I killed a few Rorquals earlier today, so that’s nice. We did a two hour roam with a 100+ man fleet. Which was new for me, not really as exciting as doing the same thing with only 10 to 15 people.

But I did come to the conclusion that I really, really don’t like nullsec.

I hate local with a passion, I hate that they have programs like Vintel or TACO or whatever else that can scrape the chatlog and give you a literal warning sound when a neutral arrives because scouts told you.

I hate that you are literally safe from everything as long as you use those things. It’s just not for me. I like wormhole space and the fact that my home will randomly pop in your home from time to time.

That I can scan around and watch someone without them knowing I’m there.

Kspace is just not for me.

I am currently making a few new plans. I will be setting up in a wormhole once more. But this time I won’t be joining an old one, it’ll be a fully new set up. New citadels etc. New way of living.

This is giving me a new objective. And that’s what you need in this game. Objectives to aim for and succeed in.

I’m sure it’ll work out fine. I have a few things in mind that will happen in the next few weeks.

On a little ISK related notice. I have put a big part of my liquid ISK into PLEX. There have been a few rumors that make me think that we haven’t seen the end of the price inflation yet.

A few weeks ago I had bought a few dozen Machariel hulls, right after the announcement that in the near future alpha clones will be able to use them. Since then their price has gone up by almost 50% so that was fun to watch. I still have about 16 hulls left right now. Once the price starts to drop again I’ll probably sell them. Until then, I’m keeping them around. You never know.

Stay tuned o7


Back to square one

The past month or so was interesting, but alas, our little experiment came to an end.

We were in a wormhole with three different corporations. Living together, fighting together, trying to get things to work together. But due to different mentalities things went a bit sideways.

We didn’t really disagree on anything but we didn’t communicate. And communication is key. Due to this lack of communication people stopped logging in and those that were logging in were not used to being in a wormhole and missed their Kspace.

Which I get, being in wormholes is a lot different than being in null or low. And it’s just not something that everyone can adjust to.

It was fun while it lasted but unfortunately, I’m back on the “streets” again.

Due to this, I will be applying to Goonswarm. Mostly because I want to see what nullsec is like. And what better way than to do nullsec in the group that everyone supposedly hates.

I really like the whole “Grrr Goons” mentality that people seem to have. I personally don’t get it, at all. But I never really bothered reading up on why people think certain ways about the entities in kspace because I literally don’t care.

But when joining a group in there. Why not go for the ones that everyone loves to hate. The one you know will get you things to do. So I’m curious how that will pan out. I still need to be accepted first though.

In slightly different news, I did kill my first super a few days ago. In a little joint op with hole control. They were baiting with carriers, we were waiting on a blops a few out. And someone took the bait.

It was fun, a bit unfortunate that I only got one of the kills but can’t have it all I guess.

Stay tuned o7

You win some, you lose some

From time to time when you hunt, you don’t get any kills. A perfect example for that was us rolling a bunch of holes during the week and not having any luck. Literally doing twenty different Null sec systems and only finding a VNI here and there that was at his keyboard. Not that we care about catching those.

Yesterday however, was a good day. We had a wormhole into Providence at first. And as most of you know. Providence is an amazing ground for hunting. They have their KOS list but even if you’re on it they tend to ignore you until it’s too late.

A perfect example was me being in a system, with my sabre, for over ten minutes and still being able to tackle three different VNI’s that were ratting. That was just for shits and giggles though. My fleet was too far out so I just tried soloing them see what happened. Unfortunately I couldn’t kill them but I wasn’t stupid enough to stay in my own bubbles so was able to get away every single time.
If not for that one interceptor I probably would have killed one of them.

A little later we had a few guys in local “laughing” at us. I say laughing because they just thought it was funny we had a Stork along. Figured it wouldn’t hurt. They were playing station games, undocking, docking. You know the drill.

Cue us going on a gate. And one of them coming to a ping on said gate. At which point I warped back to station at 100, put up a bubble, wondering if he’d be stupid enough to warp back.

He was.

So that was providence. The first part of our Sunday.

After that we enjoyed ourselves by rolling a few new holes. In one of them we hit the jackpot. Delve. Goons. Rorquals. Three of them in fact. We had them all tackled, had them all panicked. And right when their support fleet came over we killed one of them. One is better than none, three would have been better. But all in all, good fights were had and we had a lot of fun.

The joys of wormhole space though. One day you might not get anything, but eventually, you’ll get what you want.

Stay tuned o7

Diving in and out of null

A few weeks ago I decided to make an effort to play EvE again. I was going to join my old Wormhole Corporation again and fuck around with them.

But a few minutes after joining, I got a private message from one of my old CEO’s.

One of the guys I flew with in Stain, the guys that were basically my first corp that I joined and PvP’d with. I’m sure there’s even a few posts about that time back in 2015-2016. I was going to be lazy about it but this one right here is from when I first joined them. Up until June of 2016.

At the time of that PM they were still a part of CO2 but were about to move out of the alliance, back to Stain and go do something new. That new thing being wormhole space.

And I was asked if I was interested in joining up. Seeing that I had just rejoined Yacht I figured that it couldn’t hurt to see what these guys were up to. Always fun to see new things happen.

And here we are. Set up in a C3 with a null static, and a bunch of people around on a daily basis to play with. Even killed a few things already.

I like it, I missed EvE a LOT the past few months that I didn’t play. I even got one of my buddies to join up again, he’s close to subbing his other accounts. He just doesn’t know it yet.

I’m looking forward to seeing where this all leads, and I promise, for the few out there still reading whenever I post something. I’ll be more active again.

In the meantime, have a few screenshots I made in the past week.

Stay tuned


That escalated, slowly

It’s been a busy week in Low sec this past one, all while messing with the neighbours.
I lost a few ships, but made it up last night by a nice little operation we planned that same day.

So our neighbours are a bit risk averse. Meaning that they don’t really drop anything unless they know they have the upper hand. Which is normal, seeing that you don’t really want to lose your ships. I get that. I can respect your choice in not wanting to try and beat the odds.
It’s not something we do though.

A few days ago there was a gate camp next door, obvious bait of course. My friend went “Shall we take the bait, see what happens?”

Meaning that we’d take the bait, shoot them, see what they drop and then counter-drop them with something of our own. Now, bare in mind. This little adventure currently consists of me and my mate. With the two of us flying two combat alts at certain point in time. So it’s literally the two of us vs them most of the time. We have another friend of ours in the alliance but he’s a well known AFK’er, he basically uses eve as a chat box and undocks from time to time if he feels up for it.

What we did was get our Mr. AFK to go and see if he could get them to jump into us. Grab an Omen, jump in then basically go “Oh shit” and come back.

That did not work. So what do we do, we both grab our Machariel, go in, and start blapping whatever was there. We figured they’d drop one carrier on us. They dropped a bit more. It hurt.
A few days later I lost a tornado while we were messing around with them again.

Then comes last night. Our neighbours had the last timer on a citadel next door. We figured that they’d bring in some dps, maybe a carrier or two. So what we would do, is drop in two dreads, siege up, and blap them, in the hopes of them bringing something to get back to us. Seeing that we’re basically “solo”.

Well we had our friends from Hole Control on standby, and another friend of ours that was bringing a few guys from the initiative.
Unfortunately they didn’t take the bait at first. Not until we pretended to fuck up.

I warped back to the gate while the other dread was still in siege. As soon as that happened, they rushed in, grabbed point on him and popped in a Revelation and a Ninazu, we knew they had another carrier on the way too but it got a bit too chicken to come drop along with his friends.

The other dread nearly died, we had to warp in an apostle that was on standby to quickly save him. But damn was it worth it.

This was literally the first time I ever dropped a dread to PvP with it. I thought I was going to lose it, it’s insured in order to lose it. But I did not, we survived, killed their capitals. And had a good laugh about it.

And in case you like seeing killboards, here’s the final battle report. This might have been a bit overkill but damn. I had a good laugh.

Can’t wait to see what’ll happen next.


Another day, another stupid thing to do.

I lost an Orthrus yesterday. One that I should not have lost.

The day started well. My friend took some bait and they dropped a carrier on him. At which point I warped in my orthrus to try and kill the gnosis that was there while pointing the carrier. And he counter dropped it with his.
He lost a Stratios, I didn’t kill the Gnosis. And we also had to run away like little bitches from their carrier because I thought I was not using my Bhaalgorn toon but turns out he was the one in the Orthrus.

Woops. At least we avenged the death of the Stratios.

After that I fucked around a bit with fittings while keeping one eye on local. There was a fight going on. I said “Hey let’s undock our Orthrus’ and go blap a few from afar” he said sure. And we undocked.
At that point a Stork came to our citadel. Here I am, trying to watch 3 screens at the same timen going for it. Bad idea. Very bad idea.

An Orthrus was lost in this engagement. But hey, it’s my own fault, I’m rusty, it’s been a while since I had to kite.

So what do we do after losing one Orthrus? Go back and buy two more of course.

So I fill up my DST with some ships, about 1.4bill worth of ships in total. And start my small journey back.
My friend was scouting, when I hit lowsec he told me the gang of 20 was jumping to the gate I was just about to go through so told me to wait on high-sec side. What did I do? … Jump in of course because why not.

There I am, sitting with gate cloak and about 20 people around the gate. Luckily his tengu uncloaked so they were distracted. At which point I did the cloak warp trick to the next gate, and again and again.
I made it home safely, but damned if I didn’t almost lose another bunch of ISK right there.

Like I said, I’m doing stupid things in Low. But at least I’m having fun.

And in slightly other news. The guys we annoyed, reinforced our citadel.

Stay tuned o7

I finally moved to Low

It’s been a while since I last had an update. Hell during the past few weeks the site was even offline for a bit and I didn’t notice.

But I’m back and I’m in Lowsec, doing stupid things.

Lowsec is new for me. Literally never been there except for passing through. I don’t know anything about the timers, criminal or suspect or otherwise and it’s.. Well it’s all giving new thing for me. Even gate guns are new for me.

So let me tell you the story of our first day. I moved here with a friend of mine, we’re both in our own separate corporations and we both brought a bunch of ships, anchored a citadel and whatnot and ready to just do the things you’d do in lowsec.

We started the day with some smart bombing in Machariels. Nothing big, just two of us doing what we do, killing interceptors and whatnot.

Then we decided to take out our omens and go out for a roam. It would take us through one jump of high-sec but who cares right.

Now, those of you who know the lowsec mechanics may already see what is about to come. I sure as hell didn’t.
One jump before getting into high-sec we saw a floating mammoth. We, trigger happy as we are, killed it and went further along the path we set for ourself.
We come to the highsec gate, get a message stating that we’re now criminals and concord would shoot us but, whatever right. As long as we’re fast enough to warp it doesn’t matter.

What neither of us knew, is that if you have a criminal timer, concord won’t just shoot. No, you’ll also be prohibited from warping. And taking gates.

Well.. Fuck us.

A few seconds and two dead omens later we’re on our way back to our citadel, to lick our wounds.
Lesson learned, not going to happen again.

And this is just the start.

Stay tuned o7

Change is bad

I’m currently in the process of taking my ships out of our wormhole. A process that I hate doing because I’ve done it a few times in the past.

I’m going to look into doing something different in EvE for a while. Mostly because I haven’t been too active the past months. Part of the blame is real life, but another part is the direction the corporation was going.

I love most of these guys to bit. I see them as friends. Met a few of them in real life and had a blast. But a few months ago some things changed and ever since then I haven’t been able to really get into the game anymore. And that’s mostly due to these changes.

We had a merge and it basically made most of the guys I liked playing with not want to log in. Because the people we merged with were guys we didn’t know. People that would rather do PvE than come and help in PvP. And that’s the problem you get when suddenly a new group is thrown into the old group.

The ideas the new group has will come together with some of the ones in the old group. Making a few people feel left out. In this case, I’m one of those guys. I did not cope well with the change and it made me not want to log on.

And I’m self-aware enough to know that it’s mostly my own fault for not opening my mind. But damnit I was having fun! Change is bad mkay 😉

So! I’m moving out, and I’ll be looking into lowsec. In the off chance that any of you out there reading this and have a corporation that’s not too shabby. I’m looking for a corp to join! Low sec of course. I’ve never done low before so it’ll be new and shiny and might just help in getting my EvE back on.

If in the off chance I don’t find a corporation that might fit me, I might just go nomad. Take a blops, my hunter and start moving around New Eden.

We’ll see. First I need to get all this stuff out to high sec.

Stay tuned o7

The joys of real life

It has quite literally been a while since I last posted anything. I’m blaming this on real life. A while ago me and my girlfriend decided that we wanted to buy a place together instead of keep on renting.
As it turns out, that stuff takes a LOT of your time. Not only did we see hundreds of houses. We couldn’t find anything to our liking.

So a few months ago the decision was made we’ll just build one. So our hunt for a house, became a hunt for the perfect piece of land to build on.

Which, again isn’t too easy but luckily we had some friends on the lookout too.

In march I signed off on an agreement, a so called “promise of purchase” they call it here. And normally it should have been made official a few weeks ago but unfortunately the government decided to screw us over a bit and decide that the 10 trees are now “vulnerable” (freaking pines) and we weren’t allowed to cut them down.

So I had to contact lawyers, government officials etc etc. Luckily the government decided that they were total idiots with the decision and called it back because it was affecting thousands of land owners making their pieces of land worthless when , like me, they literally had just bought it to start building a house on.

So that’s part of the reason why I haven’t been on much.

The other part is.. Well it’s EvE. From time to time you need a break.

I just got myself a bunch of skill extractors, one of my dread alts will be scrapped. Seeing that I do not want to bear with him ever again and I have no use of an alt that can only fly a dread.

Meaning that I have about 30m in skillpoints to extract. Which will up my ISK wallet a bit again. That’ll be fun for when I have a few carriers I’ll be dropping in null soon.

Stay tuned