
The past few days have been, interesting to say the least. Not so far as content since it’s a been a bit slow in wormhole space ever since we moved to a C5.

But there were a few structure changes within our corporation and I’m now the new CEO of the New Eden Yacht Club.

Is this a good thing? I have no idea, maybe, maybe not. I have been CEO in the past, and it didn’t work out that well due to the fact that I was super new at wormhole space and didn’t have the experience I have now. I’m still a noob, always will be.

The reason why I was made CEO is because I’m basically around all the time, supposedly know what I’m doing and I can make decisions. As in, I don’t care as much if not everyone will be happy about the decisions I make.

I want this thing to succeed, I love flying with most of the guys in this corp and enjoy talking to them. Even when we’re not playing EvE we have fun in Rocket League or Stellaris together. Which is good. I enjoy the fact that we can also play other games and not feel bad about it.

But, like I said, our content has been a bit lacking since we moved into a C5. I’m pretty sure this is due to the fact that the move and all that took ages. And that we currently have a lot of people AFK due to holidays, sickness, RL stuff. It’ll change, I’m sure of it. But in order to make it better, I made a small decision that might have huge consequences for the corporation as a whole.

Due to this little decision recruitment might get a bit harder for us, and I probably stepped on a few toes in doing so. But so be it. Can’t make everyone happy and it seems like most of the guys are happy to be doing something again.

Once our little “deployment” is over I’ll talk some more about it.

Right now I’m busy with making plans on how to get stuff going again inside and outside of the wormhole. Not as easy as I thought it would be. But it never is.

I guess it’s a good thing I have all the time in the world for EvE right now.

Stay tuned o7

Null-sec mining operations

The other day, one of the guys in corp asked on TeamSpeak if anyone felt like going to null. Other than some people bringing stuff in through a High-sec deeper in the chain.

Me and one of the guys had been scanning the chain earlier, having checked out both Null-sec connections in it I knew of some mining going on in it. We couldn’t really do much about that earlier with two of us but I figured we had a better fleet now so might as well go check if we could grab something.

After a few bio breaks, bit of “Who’s bringing what” we had an Omen, Deimos, Jackdaw, Sabre and a Gila. Seeing as we were going out to null it was more of a: “bring whatever you want” kind of thing, instead of “bring a doctrine fit”.

After forming up on the hole to Null-sec our Sabre pilot went in, only to tell us there were a bunch of Procurers and a Rorqual on grid. Our Sabre pilot landed, went “aaawh” because of the fact that all the Procurers had warped off and asked if he should tackle the Rorqual. Seeing that due to the changes we didn’t think we could kill him, we decided to just go for it. Hit him a few times for shits and giggles and get on with it.

Imagine our surprise when his shield was going down faster than it’s supposed to be going down.
At this point I decided to ping on slack to see if anyone felt like bringing in some more DPS. Bringing in our resident mister AFK and one of the US guys. I heard later that someone was burning from deeper in the chain, but he was slow as fuck (This is what happens when you’re running sites in a C3 when others are out looking for pvp ;D)

On TeamSpeak we were guesstimating on whether or not this guy was trolling us. Due to our Sabre’s great bubbling skills and drone kiting we were able to get his shields down. And at about 75% armour he initiated self-destruct.

The funny thing is that despite that. We still thought he was trolling us. The system we were in had a Thanatos and a few Machariels in it. Not only that but about halfway through us pecking his shield a Crow came in to have a look at us. It is still unclear on why nobody came in to help him but, this guy was not trolling.

Thus the beginning of our roam, already ISK positive beyond the fleet composition and we had only just started, OP success.

We went a bit further into Cache but most ice miners had already heard about what had happened.
We did find a Rattlesnake but unfortunately he warped off as soon as the Sabre landed on grid with him.
Funny thing about that however, was the fact that a Viator landed a few seconds after the Rattler had warped off. Doing what he seems to be enjoying, bubbles went up and another ship got killed.

On to our direct connection into null.

In this we found another mining fleet a few jumps in. Hearing the Sabre pilot on comms go “jump jump jump jump!!!!” was fun to hear.
Almost as fun as hearing him get annoyed at losing when playing rocket league. (Almost, it’s seriously hilarious when that happens)

Not only did we kill a group of retrievers, we also killed one of the new Porpoise. Op success!
But luckily, null sec dwellers are either retarded or stubborn, since a few jumps later we found another group of ice miners. FCON sure likes their ice.

After killing these we got camped in, and here is where my screw up happened.

We gave them about half an hour, the Sabre had gotten out, he felt bad about leaving us but it was time for bed for this poor little baker. So he had my permission to go home. I’m a generous Lord.

We safe logged and gave it about half an hour to 45 minutes.

At that time one of the guys was flying around in an Interceptor, telling us they had docked up. He was wrong. Oh so wrong.

Logging back in we warped to the gate to be greeted by a Broadsword, Deimos and some other stuff that I couldn’t be bothered to check. Safe to say that we lost the two cruisers.

Our Magus was able to get out eventually. So there’s that.

Still, we killed about 6bill in ships, losing roughly 500m, I’d say we did well.

What did we learn the other day?

  • Not every Rorqual will be fit according to the new changes. It might be worth it to check them out
  • If we are killing someone, maybe talk to them sooner about a ransom. Before they initiate self-destruct
  • Miners are not very smart. 15 retriever drones would have killed us
  • Null-sec dwellers do not enjoy risk. Even with 4-5 people they wouldn’t come to us in a site.
  • FCON really likes Ice and hates fights.
  • Sabres are love, Sabres are life

Meet Steve.

Steve is the name of the drifter battleships that can sometimes make wormhole space a bigger pain than it already is. Not only does he put out about 2k DPS, he also neuts like crazy. And that’s the most annoying part of him really. The DPS is something most people are able to handle fairly well, but the neuts, my god the neuts.

Steve is here

I’m not sure where the name Steve came from. I just know that we’ve been using it for a while now, and supposedly the guys in corp that started using it had it from someone else they flew with. But his name is Steve now and I shall always know him as such.

Making ISK in wormholes can be done in multiple ways. There’s PI which is obviously the easiest one, there’s relic/data site hacking, there’s evicting people and stealing their stuff. And then there’s doing sites.

Which is what I’ve been trying to do in the past week or so. Sites can be done in multiple ways. You can do it with multiple people, or solo it (if you have two tinker rattlesnakes) Mostly when doing it with subcaps you’ll get roughly 300m per site. Without taking into account the fact that you need to close down incoming connections you’ll earn about 400m/hour, give or take a few.

At the end of the site, a structure will uncloak, and if you shoot it, Steve will spawn and he will try to fuck you up.

Luckily you can also use dreads for sites like this (if you are in a bear hole or if you have them in your own hole). Warping in a dread will “escalate” the site, spawning a few more battleships that are just a little bit harder to kill and drop a little bit more ISK in the end. But killing Steve with a dread is so easy. In the end you can make roughly 700 to 1b/hour per character doing it, IF you have this thing down. And that’s with just two dreadnaughts doing it.

I tend to forget about my speed from time to time. And bump things

I tend to forget about my speed from time to time. And bump things

I can’t even imagine what the income from this used to be. Supposedly it was a LOT better. Which kind of makes sense, most of the veteran wormholers don’t really have to worry about ISK at all.

With PI and doing sites. I might just make the ISK back that I put in this dread pilot. That makes me happy. I just hope I earn it back before the Naglfar dies. And it will die, I’m sure of it, I’ll probably do something stupid with it. That’s what normally happens when I let things die.

We’ll see

Stay tuned o7


I did a thing

Actually, we did a thing.

In the last 7 days a few things were done within the corporation that made us, a little less active PvP wise.
We moved, going from C2 space into a C5 wormhole. Not only did we move but we also put up a Fortizar.

Let’s just say that putting up a Fortizar in wormhole space was an extremely boring EvE experience. But luckily we were able to keep ourselves entertained in other ways (Mostly by playing Rocket League).

When setting up a Fortizar you don’t want people to see something anchoring. You don’t want some random person seeing it and telling his friends so that they can come shoot it when it’s vulnerable and doesn’t have defences yet. Which meant that during the setup phase, you roll all incoming holes. Every single one, during the whole anchoring stage, the whole 24 hours it takes for you to set this thing up.

It’s as boring as it sounds, we didn’t get too much sleep.

But it was worth it, we have a Fortizar now, we can park capitals in there.

Ready for action

Which brings us to the other thing we did.
I have spent, way, but I mean way too much ISK on a new dread pilot.
Somewhere in September I created a pilot who’s only purpose in life is to fly a Rattlesnake and a Naglfar. I had injected about 10 injectors in him at the start so he could fly the Rattlesnake we used to run C5 with. After that I just started training slowly a dread. Unfortunately when the Rattlesnake fit changed, I wasn’t able to use it anymore due to cruise missiles and such. So that SP went to waste.

Cue us moving to higher class wormhole space. Living in a C5 means that the incoming static can have “Very Large” ships moving through it. In general that just means that from now on we can start using capitals and even Jump Freighters to move our stuff in. So I did a thing, bought about 40-50 more injectors, and now have a Naglfar pilot ready to go.

Never did a cyno either

Never did a cyno either

Unfortunately, this also means that at this moment, my ISK worth is half of what it was a few weeks ago. I’ve been doing a bit of trading but I need to step up my game if I want to start earning ISK again.

Soon I’ll be able to use a Naglfar to run sites with. Or at least, I hope I will be able to make back the cost and then some before losing it.

We’ll see, sooner or later.

At least I’m doing a few things and that’s what matters.

Stay tuned o7


Random act of kindness

Random act of kindness

EVE is a pretty cut throat game for the most part. Some people will scam you if they can, others will steal all your stuff if you trust them just a little too much. And most people will happily shoot your ship to spice up their zKillboard stats.

And then there are those that from time to time, decide to nice towards their fellow EVE players, and make them smile.

Today that happened to me. To sketch the situation a bit; I was rolling our static C5 in search for a decent one to do some stuff in. In general that means pushing a Megathron through a few times, usually 5 passes with Microwarpdrive on will do the trick into collapsing the hole (MWD gives you about 100mill more mass on the battleship).

Basically 10 jumps back and forth. On number 6 it went half. Normally on jump number 9 it would go critical and you’d close it in coming back.
This time it went critical coming back. Me having my numbers near me, figured that meant that I’d have about 250 000 000 mass left on the hole, plenty for another normal pass with the ship and then come back to close it.

I was wrong.

Stuck on the other side, a C5 that wasn’t scanned down, in a Megathron, fit with a probe launcher and normal probes.
Those of you who scan from time to time will know that it’s a huge pain in the ass to do so with normal probes, let alone from a battle ship.

But this C5 had a C3 static so I figured I might be able to scan that one down and then hopefully find a high-sec exit. There were six signatures to scan down, after doing two I was sick of it.
Two gas sites and that took me over ten minutes (this isn’t my scanning alt so his skills are even worse).

Seeing that I had the option to self-destruct or keep myself busy while grinding through the scanning part I decided to do “Mr. lonely” in local. Which got me a response from someone asking me why I was sitting there and if he could help me.

He told me he was sitting on a low sec exit and to invite him to fleet so I could get out of the hole. Due to the nature of the game I was a bit apprehensive about this but my only other option was to self-destruct.

So I took a leap of faith, invited the guy and warped to him. Him being true to his word, he was sitting on a low-sec exit.  I thanked him, gave him some ISK for his trouble (yay no scanning for me).
He then told me that if I wanted to he could bridge me to another low, closer to high-sec.
This guy already made part of my day by giving me an exit, I figured “Why not, if he jumps me with something at least I got some content out of it”

But nope, I had no reason whatsoever to be sceptical about his intentions.
Not only did he help me get out of the wormhole, in a system two jumps from where I was at, he logged in his Titan, and bridged me. One jump from highsec, 13 from Amarr.

Bridging me in a Titan? Damn man you're the best

Bridging me in a Titan? Damn man you’re the best

This is literally the sixth time I’ve seen a Titan in the game and it was because I did something random, and someone decided to be nice.

Thank you for your random act of kindness man.

Days like this, is why I love EVE.

Stay tuned o7


Bad at EVE

I can freely admit that I’m not the best player when it comes to EvE as a whole. I am at best “ok” in PvP, and when I do my trading I am well aware that I’m making stupid decisions from time to time.

There are times when I feel like I am better than some of the people I come across in the game. And times when I feel like the biggest noob out there. I’m sure that a lot of people have that same issue when they’re trying out something new.

This game can make you laugh and make you want to strangle whoever fucked something up in your fleet as you throw your headset down in frustration because it was once more the same person doing that to you.

That’s what’s so great about this game. I used to play other MMO’s, I still play World of Warcraft occasionally, and I have never felt the same string of emotions in any of them like I do in EVE.

And that’s because what you do in this game matters. Whether you’re the first tackle on a titan, or the person stocking a market (or crashing it) whatever you do, will have an effect on tens, if not hundreds of other players.
This is not something that happens in many other games. In general when playing another MMO it doesn’t really matter whether you’re there or not. They might care personally, but the game itself doesn’t get better or worse without you there.


I need to get myself a Naglfar

I need to get myself a Naglfar

The past few weeks has been spent trying to help some fellow wormholers defend their home against HardKnocks, scanning for new places to hunt in, doing some PvP both market PvP and otherwise. And trying to make ISK.

We failed saving them, but I have a few nice screenshots

We failed saving them, but I have a few nice screenshots

A few days ago while scanning I was in a C2, there were a lot of signatures to scan down and I saw an Astero pop up on d-scan every few minutes. I didn’t really bother myself with him, figuring that he was going through all the wormholes, I was in an Astero myself so he was spending is time not much unlike I was spending mine.

I had one more sig to scan, a relic site, when it disappeared from my overview. This Astero was hacking relics. That was my cue to try and kill him at last, I already had everything bookmarked and it was time for some other kind of content. I warped to a relic at range, lo and behold, only half a minute after getting there the guy popped up on grid. Now, keep in mind, I had been scanning this wormhole for the past 10 minutes, he must have seen my probes. But I guess he thought he was safe, going to the cans slowly. I was on coms with two of my corpmates and asked them if they could bring in fast tackle. I had a scram on my astero but no point. So they brought sabres. I made them hold on the wormhole into the C2 while I figured out the best spot for them to warp to.

Turns out there was a small asteroid I could bookmark right next to one of the last three cans he’d go to. So I did. After having them jump the hole and hold cloak I told them to wait, right up until the guy started hacking the can. As soon as that happened I had them warp to the bookmark I had just made.

A minute and one dead Astero later I could go on my merry way into finding a highsec in our little chain.

Despite this being a fairly standard procedure, it still gave me the so called “PvP-shakes” not because I would die or anything, but because I didn’t want this guy to figure out I was stalking him. To suddenly warp off and leave us with no kill.

I have literally never had any of those feelings in another game. When you PvP in EVE, there’s a kind of adrenaline rush, whether you win or lose, there’s always the thrill of the hunt.

Stay tuned o7

Everyone likes free capitals

I was only personally involved in the following for a small part. Most of this is written as a bystander, hearing about the things going on. It was pretty entertaining nonetheless.

“I just scanned down a C5 hole that’s attached to our home. It has a dick star in it. But it also has a Chimera. That’s sitting outside of the POS field unmanned. I have a warp in for it. Who can fly a Chimera?”

That was a question asked on our slack a few days ago. It was the start of a 5 day long operation, but it was totally worth it.

What happened was that in a Black Hole C5, one of the US TZ guys found an unmanned Chimera sitting outside a POS force field that he wanted to steal. It took about an hour or two before he found someone due to this happening early morning for the EU TZ and nobody being around yet. In the end a friend of ours was able to come help and get into the Chimera.

A few hours later, after them teasing the black hole residents about them losing a Chimera, we got a ping on Slack to come shoot another one. I have no idea how it happened and forgot to ask but the C5 residents had warped in a Chimera, on top of the other one. Only problem for them was that the other Chimera, was sitting right on top of our static connection to their hole.
This made it extremely easy for us to kill it.

You’d think that would be the end of it, but nope, not at all. Our US guys decided to keep an eye on them, staying in their hole to see if they’d do more stupid things, and they did. A day after the Chimera kill we were told on coms that they had managed to steal an Apostle.

And not long after that a Minokawa.

Thanks guys

For those of you reading this “how the hell is this possible”. Well it’s easy, these guys had all of their capitals in a POS, they didn’t have a XL Ship Hangar to store them in. So when someone bumped a carrier, the inertia of the bump and it being a black hole made it fly out of the POS. Where our guys waited for them.

Fit could be better though

Fit could be better though

In the end, we decided to evict these guys. We gave them the option to pay us for leaving them alone and giving them their capitals back. But they wanted to take the honourable way out. By not fighting, suiciding most of their ships and letting us kill everything.

We had our fun, and the Alliance got a little something out of it too.

Time to find the next target.

Stay tuned o7

You win some, you lose some

The past week was a good one for us. We killed a bunch of people, harvested tears of those we killed and had fun in general. I enjoy this corporation because it’s the first time I actually like getting on TeamSpeak to talk to these guys and to form fleets with. The fact that my killboard stays in green most of the time is an added benefit.

The last 7 days started with our decision to go out and do more wormhole stuff instead of just dunking people through our nullsec. So the first thing we did when finding a citadel with a timer in our time zone was to park a scout in that hole and make sure people knew we’d go out to try and reinforce it when the time was there.

In the meantime we scanned our chain more than we usually did and found a few targets to kill. People rolling holes, people ratting in their hole with Domi’s and not having a scout on the hole.

One of the nights we had La Division Blue in our chain, they had two Myrmiddons parked on a hole and we knew they would have a fleet parked somewhere else. Because supposedly that’s what they do. We shipped into our T3 fleet and had an Armageddon go engage. They started to kill him so we jumped into the hole too to go and help him out, only to have a dozen remote-repping Stratios’ de-cloak on the other side. Time for a little fight. We had about 3 guardians with us and then the rest of the fleet. We did pretty well, keeping up the reps, they weren’t able to break us and we broke them slowly. But unfortunately they disengaged and fled with their tail between their legs. But they did lose one of the Myrmiddons so there’s that. It wasn’t a fight to the death but we did learn that our fleet composition was pretty solid so that was a good thing.

On the night of the citadel timer we went into our T3 fleet, Legions, Lokis, Tengus, Proteus’ and Guardians. All in all a very nice fleet. I was one of the guardians because I can’t fly the HAM Legion just yet.


Repping train, choochoo

We started the bash and before you know it two Thanatos’ and a Ninazu land on grid. We obviously decided that this would be our new target. So we switched, and because we’re nice people we told our alliance we had a few carriers tackled and asked if they wanted to come whore on it.

Cue a “battle” in which we repaired the enemies, our own pilots AND kept shooting a citadel, only so that our friends could come whore on the kills.
Unfortunately I couldn’t whore on them myself because my drones got bombed by the citadel. I should have waited with taking them out until the fight was almost done but I was too eager.

Not only did we kill them and reinforce the citadel. But in the meantime the alliance was suiciding a few T3’s on a citadel to keep that timer from running out. It needed to be killed too.
So as soon as we were done it was time to move towards the other operation. It was funny to see the timer stuck on 2second. And in the end we killed an Astrahus which dropped a few nice ships. Albeit with bad fits.

Who doesn't love explosions

Who doesn’t love explosions

Unfortunately, all streaks come to an end and that’s what happened yesterday.

We decided on a new sort of fleet. Stratios’ + Legions to go wormhole diving. Due to me liking the legion but not having bought one yet, I decided to buy it. Only to lose it half an hour later. I have to admit that it stung. I lost that ship due to stupidity and it shouldn’t have died. But that’s life in EvE, you win some, you lose some. And with every loss, you learn something new. Luckily some of my salt washed away little under an hour later when we killed a few Gilas. They were badly fitted but still, a kill is a kill.

Goodbye little Legion, I hardly knew you

Goodbye little Legion, I hardly knew you

Stay tuned o7

ISK makes New Eden go round

Making ISK is something everyone has to do. The way how you do it though, that’s different for every single one of the players out there. But it has to be done, how else are you going to afford the ships you lose? Or get into that Nyx you’ve been craving ever since you saw the ship model.

I used to make my ISK in three ways. Trading, industry and running missions. Half of the trading I did was to complement my industry and the other half was just me messing around on the market trying to find the stuff that could make me money.

Those that have read my blog in the previous years know that my industrial side existed of making T2 things. I used invention on BPC’s I had copied and turned those things into T2 products. All the goods needed to make those T2’s were bought off the market because I didn’t want to make everything in the whole process.

I made a LOT of ISK that way and I flooded the market countless times dropping the price of the things I made. Sometimes on accident, sometimes on purpose. But unfortunately my industry character hasn’t been used at all in the past year. This due to the fact that the products I used to make are worth less than their materials combined. Supposedly this is due to the null-sec groups having their hand in it now. I wouldn’t know though, I have yet to start caring enough about null-sec to start looking into things.

As for trading, I haven’t done it either in the months since the citadel change. Partly because I’m lazy and don’t want to go do that one jump to put orders in a citadel, and partly because I no longer have a clue about what’s good on the market. Ok, mostly that second part ;).

Missioning, well I haven’t done that in years, I used to love running L4’s in my Machariel but ever since joining corporations and no longer being solo I just haven’t felt the need to do so anymore.

So how do I make my ISK now? PI and C5 sleeper loot. I absolutely love doing C5 sites with a small group of people. Doing it solo is boring, but I love having 7 rattlesnakes on the field, warping from one site to the next and just melting the targets.

Beautiful snakes, flying out to their next target

Beautiful snakes, flying out to their next target

A few weeks ago we had a little group of 4 snakes, two were mine, two were my corp-mate’s. In the three hours of farming we made a total of 2.4billion ISK. Which isn’t too bad. That’s about 200m/hour per character. And half of the time we weren’t even paying attention.

Due to my love of the Snakes, I made a third character, just to fly in one.
So last Saturday I had 3 on the field, along with two other corp-members we had a total of 7 rattlesnakes on the field.
We melted the sites and in one hour we made about 320m per person. Which could have been better but the sites weren’t the best out there.

Circling the MTU like there is no tomorrow.. For the rats

Circling the MTU like there is no tomorrow.. For the rats

That’s one way to make ISK in a wormhole though, my other one is PI and all of you probably know or have an inkling of a thought what it’s about.
If I pay attention to it I make about 1bn/month across two characters. Which isn’t bad but I tend to forget about it. Woops.

Got to get it out of the hole somehow

Got to get it out of the hole somehow

There’s a third one in the Yacht club that we introduced a while ago. Well it was already there but now more people know about it. Namely “Scout gets the loot”. Basically, when you’re in the chain and find targets, if we kill them, you get the loot. If you find an Astrahus to kill you get 50% of whatever drops out of it. Which is pretty damn good.

I have yet to find myself an offline POS with an SMA hanging around it (happened already) but it’s a nice incentive for people to find more targets. And more targets for us means more content. So it’s a win win.

Scanning can be a pain though. Spent a few hours doing it yesterday and I decided to keep it to a maximum of half an hour of non-stop scanning in the future.

Stay tuned o7

This is how I play – Battlestation

I’ve seen posts like this before, and seeing that Raka wanted to see it I figured I’d just post it here.

This is my current setup. Fully upgraded at last after updating my old Keyboard a G510 from 2010, to a Corsair RGB Strafe, I can proudly state that my setup is complete.. For now.

My Beast.

My Beast.

As is a “plague” with more pc gamers I tend to update my rig even when I don’t need to. Case in point buying a GTX 1070 when I had a 970. But oh well, why not. Maybe I’ll get a 1080TI when they come around the corner, but right now, I’m good.