Too many copies

A few months ago I decided that once I was through all my T1 copies I’d try something new in my manufacturing. Turns out I first should have checked my copies before stating this. 
With the new way industry works these days copies don’t get destroyed when you try to invent them into their T2 equivalent.

Which means that if you have copies with 300 runs, you can actually try to invent from them 300 times. 
I did not know this since I don’t pay much attention when doing my clicking of the day, but I noticed this a few days ago when I tried to figure out why my amount of T1 copies wasn’t going down.

As it stands now I have about 200 copies with all around the 300 runs still on them. So maybe I should just put them somewhere for the time being and just start something new. Seeing as it will still take me months before I get through my current stock.

This new way of working is good though. It used to annoy me to no end that I had to keep making copies of my BPO’s just to do my invention, turns out that right now I could just work with 30 copies for a few months instead of needing my stock of hundreds.
I’ll keep that in mind for next time.

As for the rest, I’m currently on the lookout for something to do with my combat alt(s), I’m doing a few missions when I log in and browsing the corporation forums, trying to figure out if there’s anything out there I could join. Because as most of you know, EvE is more fun when you play it in a group.

Stay tuned o7

Update ahoy!

Crius will be deployed today, the only reason I know this is because I noticed the Facebook update post from EvE Online stating that everyone should make sure that their queue is nice and long. You know, just in case.
“Changes are coming”

What does this update mean for people? For some, nothing at all, seeing as there are people out there who don’t really care, or read up on anything and they just play the game, figuring it out as they go.
Others on the other hand will have their way of working in the game changed completely. Just think about how blueprints now have to be inside of the installations instead of safely in station while you’re copying them, or doing anything else related to them.
I have to admit that I myself don’t really know too much about the coming update myself. This due to the fact that the past few weeks I’ve been busy slowly melting due to heat and the last thing in my mind was sitting in front of my computer reading up on things and testing on the test realm.
I do know however, that my POS production will change completely. In the past weeks, the one thing I did when logging in was copying a lot of BPO’s again. Mostly things that I used to invent in the past but haven’t in over half a year.
I figured that with the coming update, it’d be nice to try and go back to my normal way of manufacturing, so right now I’m sitting on about 400 T2 bpcs waiting to be put in production. (See, I did do something productive!)
I can’t wait to try out the new way POS’ work. I’m also rather curious on whether or not we’ll see more of them popping up. I’ve seen people speculate on the fact that there will be a lot more in high sec because there will be no restrictions to put them up (aka standings).
Good thing that I have about 4 months of fuel stocked up just in case the prices will suddenly rise.
In addition to all of this, depending on how that in station invention/manufacturing will turn out, I might just decide to take down my POS. But that’s something that I will have to look into soon(ish). It all depends on what the numbers will say.
As for none industry related news;
I’m still looking for a Low Sec corporation to join. I haven’t been looking that hard but I’ve got my eyes open. If you know someone, or are someone, who wouldn’t mind having me around spinning my ships and joining whatever it is low sec corps do. Feel free to give me a shout.
Stay tuned o7