
First day in our hole

Two nights ago (Thursday on Friday), we officially moved into our own little wormhole. It took a while to anchor and online the tower, to set up the guns etc, but we finished around 2am. So all in all, a good night.

So yesterday was our official first day in our own little hole in space, our own little C2. It was a good day, a fun day, and content was had.

Not only, did we get our first official Corporation kills in the hole, we laughed a bit, and we made some ISK doing sites.

My little PvE Tengu

My little PvE Tengu, she’s a beast

I’m not sure if we’re going to top yesterday, I’m pretty sure we hit a peak there somewhere. That was one of the jokes that was made on TeamSpeak.

It started out, when logging in, with seeing a little Cheetah on scan. Nothing special, I tried tracking him down and failed there. When I was checking out one of our statics I noticed him warping back to the wormhole and off he went.

That could have been our first target, but alas, that didn’t happen. A few minutes later I noticed a Venture on scan. The same guy, had reshipped to a Venture, he was coming to mine our gas! Targets!

I told my friend and we were getting ready, I’m 90% sure that he wasn’t checking out D-scan because he must have seen us reship into a bomber etc (Literally only cloaky ship I got in there atm that isn’t a scanner)

I tracked him to a gas site and I was slowlboating my way to him cloaked. However, my friend couldn’t curb his enthusiasm and he warped to me, in his Heretic, while I was still 40km off the venture. The plan was for me the scram him, so we could also catch his pod with the bubbler. Unfortunately, he uncloaked me and I guess the guy was paying a bit attention because warped off into the sunset, never to be seen again. We miserably failed on scoring our first target. I will not let him down for this.

Half an hour later, while we were scanning down our sites, I suddenly noticed an Astero on scan. This guy didn’t rename his ship to something else so I could check out his Zkillboard, he already lost an Astero once, maybe we could let him lose another one.

Queue me training to D-scan his position, only to realize he was in a signature that we hadn’t scanned down since it arrived about 5 minute earlier. Good job on us there.

My friend took out his combat probes, and well, the Astero wasn’t paying attention to d-scan because he could pin him down. We warped in our cloakies to the site, and 26km from the Astero….

My friend de-cloaked due to one of the collideable objects in the site. The Astero noticed us, and warped off. Talk about anti-climax right?

Again, will not let him live that one down.

As you can imagine, I thought that would be it, the Astero wouldn’t come back. I was wrong. Imagine my surprise when 10 minutes later the same guy popped up on D-scan. He was in a relic site, and this time, we did have it scanned down.

I warped to the site, stayed away from the collideable objects and when I was 20clicks off, I de-cloaked, scrammed him, and my friend de-cloaked his ship and then warped in his Herritic.

Turns out, bombers aren’t that good to kill frigates. It took us ages, but, we got him, and the bubble made sure his pod didn’t escape.

I’m 99% sure that if he took out his drones, he could have killed both our bombers. Those things had no tank. But I’m also pretty sure that he panicked and just wanted to try and get away from us.

First kill! Yay us!

We had a static not far from Jita, which we wanted to use to bring in some more ships. And while my friend activated the hole on his Occator, he had travel control happen to him, and after that a static close.

I warped to the hole to see if it was still there, it wasn’t. There was however, a Heron, which either just got in, or wanted to go back to high sec and had the wormhole collapse right in front of him.

I don’t think he saw it coming, he definitely didn’t see me coming. I scrammed him, told him I’d get him home and then let our newest hole-mate warp in on his drake to get in on the kill.

Turns out the pod was worth about 200m. In a 41m Heron, that was an odd choice.

But we got a few kills out of it, I’m super happy with this move, and definitely looking forward to what else might happen.

Stay tuned o7

Explosion due to stupidity once more

I lost another ship this weekend. This time it happened due to another person blowing me up, and my own stupidity. Well, just my lack of common sense and staying somewhere for a bit too long while not cloaked.

I’m planning on joining a friend’s corporation in a few days, said friend is setting up a WH corporation with a few other people he knows. Seeing as I have no idea how to scan down signatures, or even use d-scan, I decided to train myself a bit.

So I shipped up in a cheetah, set out to low sec and started to scan down the different sites and signatures in a system in order to train myself some more on the “how does this work” part of it all.

While doing so I found a relic site, and as it turned out, I had a relic analyzer in my Cheetah. So I decided to go and have a look, maybe even get lucky in “hacking” the site.

Not only do I know nothing about scanning, I also have no idea how hacking works… Zero clue whatsoever. So while I was staring at the screen wondering what all those things that I could click meant and why some would lock up after clicking five times, someone found me.

I suddenly saw a manticore pop up on my screen and immediately got locked and scrambled. One volley of torpedoes later and I was warping away in my capsule to the nearest gate.

I learned that I should pay more attention, and definately should not be trying out hacking if I have no idea what it’s all about. Using D-scan would probably not have helped in this case seeing as the manticore was cloaked, but still, it wasn’t even opened.

The person shooting me convoed me afterwards, thanking me for getting myself blown up, he had been in the system for a few days waiting for a kill to happen and told me that I was his first ever solo kill. He was even kind enough to offer me to pay for half of my loss.

I declined this of course, I have plenty of ISK and congratulated him on his first solo kill and patience. I would not be able to just wait for days until something happens.

After doing a few jumps, I got back to Jita and shipped up in a new cheetah. Ready to continue my training.

I need to be ready in a few days, need to be able to hold my own in W-space. Because if nobody’s there to get me an exit, I’ll have to do it myself.

And we learn something new

The other day I decided to finally go out and explore a few wormholes. Taking out my Cheetah I started to launch probes left and right, scanning for an entrance. I first started in the System I usually do my missions at. Close to home, and if I found something, even better.

This is where I made my first of many mistakes. I know absolutely nothing about scanning, I know you need probes and you need to keep configuring them and pressing that scan button until you find a 100% one.
So that’s what I did, after a while I found an unstable wormhole, giddy as a little kid that just got his first gaming system I pressed jump and entered without checking the info.

Guys! I found something!

Little did I know, that I would just be dropped 12 systems further, in another high sec system. I finally check the info and noticed that this wormhole drops someone in a random high sec one.

Thinking to myself: ‘Ok E’dyn, rookie mistake, this can happen to anyone, lets head back and try again’
Luckily for me I was still idling at the WH entrance, otherwise I would have had to scan again to find it.
So we go back, and this time I go a few systems further in, into low sec, thinking that I might be able to find something better here. Lo and behold, I find an entrance to unknown space. I go in, immediately warp away from the hole (because that’s what I think you have to do) and cloak up. To then start idling at the hole, wondering what on earth I will need to do next.

I should have bookmared that hole

I was amazed at the discovery scanner, there were a total of 15 signatures in the wormhole. Of which 11 were already at 100%. Asking in a channel I asked them if this was normal but unfortunately none of them knew anything about wormholes so I was left to think that it was.

Oh well, 4 others to scan so I might as well do that. And here’s where I made another mistake. I warped of to the nearest planet at about 70km, forgetting to bookmark the hole I just came from.
No big deal you’d think, that’s just a few scans away. So I start to scan and find another WH entrance, according to this one it goes into unknown space. So, I went ahead and clicked jump, because that’s what you do when you have no idea what you’re doing.

And the confusion starts, I wanted to enter the wormhole, I was in a clone without plugs so if I did something extremely dumb, I could just decide to self destruct.

After pressing jump, I got stuck, and I have absolutely no idea what happened, nor could anyone in any channel I talked in answer. My ship was calibrating, and I was cleared for jump in x amount of seconds. So I kept pressing the jump button, nothing happened. But according to my UI I was getting pulled into the hole. After the timer ended, I was still stuck in the same animation, and I was still in the same system. But for some reason I couldn’t warp away, I couldn’t even reload my probe launcher, because according to the game, my ship was no longer located in the same place.

I stared at this for quite some time

And when I tried to jump again, it told me I was polarized and needed to wait for 5 minutes or so.
And we wait, after the 5 minutes were up I was polarized once more. ‘Strange’, I think to myself, ‘Something must have gone wrong with the client, better turn it off and on again’. Because that’s what you do when you’re in IT and you come up with a problem, that’s the first step you try, you restart and check if the problem is gone.

After the restart I was warped away from the hole I was getting sucked in. But this time I had made a bookmark! So let’s try again.

No luck, and no idea why I have no luck. No explanation why I’m not going into the next system.
Around this time I started to realize that without anyone able to explain to me why certain things work or not, I would be in over my head.

After another restart, I scanned up the exit to low, and went back to base. Having not won any information, other than the fact that I’m not that good at scanning, and that I’m in over my head when it comes to wormholes.

And then there’s the whole d-scan. I have yet to figure out how that works, I did use it. And there were two orcas and a caracal in the hole with me. The only problem was the fact that I didn’t know how to find them. I had forgotten where a POS gets anchored, and I didn’t want to warp to every moon and every planet to check.

In hindsight I could have used Google, but I didn’t think it would have mattered.

Docking up, I store the Cheetah, not giving up my hopes on exploration yet, but logging of with the idea that I needed someone to show me the ropes.

Stay tuned o7

Time equals money

It’s been a busy week for me, and I’ve finally found some time to write things down again. I feel a bit guilty for not writing more blog posts, but c’est la vie. RL always comes before the EVE life.

Speaking of which, I still haven’t found what I want to do, mostly because of the fact that I haven’t been doing much the past couple of weeks. I spent a few hours making undocks in different stations, just because I needed to find something to do and I felt like making these makes my life a lot easier.

So I took a cloaky cheetah, went a few jumps in Low and spent a few hours making undocks. Which gets boring, very, very fast.
What do you mean, this can’t be done faster?

Industry wise I’ve been slacking. Not only have I stopped my invention, I have stopped manufacturing altogether. Not because I want to, but because of time restraints. I don’t have that many blueprints, but I have a whole bunch of BPC’s that I still need to invent. Problem with this is the fact that I haven’t actually gotten myself the data cores for this.
And every time I got to Jita I forget to take a bunch of them with me.
But! The good news is, because of the fact that I just wrote this down, I have put up a few buy orders for around 500 of each data core. So here’s hoping I can get back to that.

I’ve also put up a bunch of buy orders for the materials I use in manufacturing. This ranges from Tritanium to Guidance Systems to, whatever else I need and that I can remember without looking at my spreadsheets.
I’m not sure how much time I will be spending in the game this weekend, but I do know, or at least hope, that a few of those buy orders will get filled.

As for trading in general, well seeing that I haven’t logged on since last Sunday on my trader, let’s just say he’s doing nothing at all. I have just put up 1.2billion in buy orders with only 600m in ISK in his wallet. How I love Margin Trading *grins*.

If, and that’s a big one, they get filled, I can make at least 2billion on this. But that’s a big if. 0,01 ISKers are still the bane of my existence and I’ve had a few days where I just wanted to stop trading, seeing that I’m actually not that very good at it.

I’ve looked into inter-regional trading, but every time I look at those hundreds of possible items, I start to feel like it’s an impossible job for me to make money on it and I close it down again.

Maybe trading isn’t quite meant for me. We’ll see what this current batch says, if the station trading finally picks up, I might change my mind. It’s the weekend, so that means more sales and more buys.

Or at least.. It should

Stay tuned o7 

Industry and Guilt

The problem with manufacturing T2 is invention. You need to have invented blueprints in order to do something with your lines. And that’s where I’m slacking on. I got bored of all the invention, every few hours checking in on EVE to put new copies into the mobile laboratories. It’s something that quickly becomes a drag.
But now that I stopped doing that for the mo
ment, I feel guilty for not using the POS. Sure the others in the corporation are allowed to use it, but we’re pretty small (there’s three of us) and the other two don’t actually use the POS. They are quite clueless about how industry works.

Which I get, it’s not easy to get into and it definitely is not something you can do without the correct amount of SP.

So what am I doing now with all those open slots? ME research on several BPO’s I had lying about. They’re not actually worth anything but at least that way I’m actually using the slots and I don’t have to feel too guilty about it.

As for my other characters. Well I have had almost no time to past couple of weeks, other than updating market orders and taking my Cheetah out that one time I have done close to nothing worth of note. Which is a pity, because I joined that new corporation to have more stories but Real Life seems to be getting in the way of me actually creating them.

Why are we all just hanging here?

Market wise the game is doing good for me, although I have yet to make a lot of money out of it, my station trader is making a small profit, but a profit nonetheless.

Every time I read the people with market blogs and their billions of profit I want to know what their secret is. I even want to talk to them about it and give me hints. But the problem is, that the secret is more than likely spending a lot of time checking out the market and fluctuations of it. Look at items and how they move. 

Unfortunately, that’s time I do not have, and time I would probably spend by getting bored of it and closing the market altogether.

It’s a shame that people can’t give away their secrets on ISK making, but I get why. Without those secrets, there wouldn’t be any more ISK to make.
Stay tuned o7

Oh no, the queue!

I started a new job today, so I have a lot less online time than I did in the past couple of weeks. Which means that I won’t be able to update my inventions as much as I’d like to. Unless of course I sneak into the game on my work laptop but, I’m not going to do that just yet.

The one thing I did forget to do yesterday was to update my skill queue, and while I was at work I couldn’t help but think of something that I had forgotten, but I just couldn’t think of what it was. Until I got back home after going to the gym first.. I had forgotten to update the skill queue of my RvB character. The horror!

I had to rush upstairs, turn on my computer and quickly update, I’m sure some of you know what this is like, not having your queue running feels a lot like having wasted the precious, precious time to skill up. Luckily I only missed about an hour, so it wasn’t that bad. But it’s been a while since a game basically compelled me to log in just to update something.

I wonder if the people who do station trades have a thought process like that too. I wonder if they think about logging in to update their orders, or if they just don’t really care much if they miss it a few hours, or even days.

I’ve been looking into the markets a bit to maybe do some station trading, too bad that I can’t decide on what product I might go for. I could go to a mission hub and do it with ammo, but what use would that be when I’m also supplying the ammo there. 

Not that that’s what I’m making, no sir, not at all

There are still so many things I want to try out, and there’s so little time. I’d love to try my hand at wormholes, but maybe I should try out exploration in general first… Yeah, I’ll do that, wormholes are probably way out of my league.
I found something! Too bad it wasn’t worth the time finding it

Stay tuned o7

ps:  I just noticed that Merchant Monarchy put up a post about my blog. People are actually reading what I’m writing, yay! Thanks!