We should have double checked

When living in a wormhole, there are a few things you’re supposed to do, or so I’ve learned.
The first one is to always check D-scan, no matter where you are, even if it’s in your POS, you want to check it. The reason for this is that you want to make sure that, if someone just decloaked, you know it. Because most people that live in wormholes fly around in cloaky ships, you never know if someone’s in there with you but you need to check D-scan anyhow. 
The second one is to bookmark, bookmark EVERYTHING. You warp to a site? You bookmark it. You warp around planets? Bookmark a few spots so you can go there if you’re in a bind and they won’t be able to find you as quickly if you were to just warp to a planet. 
You come into a hole? Bookmark the spot, found an entrance to another one? Bookmark.
It’s a very important thing because when you don’t bookmark certain spots, and you forget a scanner, you’re basically screwed.
And then there’s the lesson that I learned a while back but forgot to use earlier this evening:
“When entering a wormhole, before jumping through, check it’s life.” 
I’m sure that those of you who are normal to living in wormholes knows what’s coming next. For those of you who are, like me, not too familiar with the mechanics. I’ll try to explain.
When you check the detailed information of a wormhole, it stated where it leads to (Highsec/Null/Low/Unknown space, which is another wormhole), how much time there’s left before it disappear, because that’s what they do, they disappear. How much mass has jumped through and how close it is to collapsing due to the fact that too many ships went through. And last, what kind of ships that can jump through it.
The time left on one, and the stability of it are very important. If it’s critical it can collapse behind you when you jump through. When the time states that it’s at the end of its life, that means that soon enough, it will collapse. You don’t know for certain when, but it’s going to happen sooner or later. 
So when jumping through, you check it, always.. 
Guess who forgot.
All in all it’s not entirely my fault but still. My friend that I joined up with in w-space wanted to run a few sites since he hadn’t made any ISK in the past few weeks due to IRL stuff like exams, gf agro etc. etc. So, while watching a movie, I said “Sure why not, I’ll join”… We fleeted up and I followed him into our C2… Which was cleared of sites. “No biggy we can still make a bit of ISK in the C1” so we jumped through to the C1. Without checking so that’s where we both screwed up. We jumped to a site in the C1 and cleared it. 
After doing so I noticed that I forgot to bring ammo so said that I’d just go back to the POS and pick some up. Cue me flying back to the C1 entrance to the C2 that leads back home.. I come at the bookmark and.. Nothing.
Just a bunch of empty space is staring back at me. Did I go to the wrong bookmark? Was the bookmark off a bit? 
These two questions are denial, you’re hoping that nothing bad happened. So I logged in my other account and jumped into the C2 to check up on the C1 entrance. Nada, it was gone. That’s when I told my friend and he didn’t believe me, so of course he jumped to our bm. Said something along the lines of “Fuck” and went to his alt to check too.
We were stranded in a C1.. No biggy, we have probes, right? Right?! Yeah, no, we didn’t.
Oh, another thing to do in a wormhole: “Bring probes!”
So we figured that the quickest way out was to self-destruct.. We did say hi in local, hoping someone would be willing to give us an exit or even probes for a few mill, but no luck. We lost about 200m in ships that night, clearing a silly C1.

“Taking the pod express”

Mistakes were made, they will not be made again. 
Or at least not in the near future when it’s still fresh in our minds
Stay tuned o7

I want it all

When I first started the game a few years ago I was at a loss, I had no idea what you could do, I had no idea what I wanted to do, or even how to get to those places.

We’re a few years past that point and I now know about the different things out there. And still haven’t got a clue about what I want to do. I do know that I don’t want to mine, so that’s something. I own a procurer, a skiff and an orca but they hardly come out of my hangar.

What do you mean I’m supposed to go out there

My problem is, that I want to do everything, I want to try out everything at least once, it’s one of my mottoes in life. And I carry that forward in gaming to.
Right now, I’m doing a lot of industry, and I haven’t really touched my other alts more than a handfull of times in the past few weeks. But I still want to pvp, I still want to go out exploring. 

If only I would actually start doing it, joining Red vs Blue was a good start, but I noticed that despite it being a good start, I don’t actually do much on there. I join the occasional fleet that forms up when I’m around but I noticed that if they’re too far away I just shrug and log off, not even bothering to do that many jumps.
I did think about null for a bit the past few days, but I don’t think that’s my cup of tea, or coffee, depending on what you enjoy drinking more.

Exploring still intrigues me, I love Tigerears’ stories and those on other blogs. But something tells me that I’d get bored with it fast.

Shame on me for sticking to the high-sec life. I need a reason to get out of it. I know that I should just join a corporation that makes me go out there, but every time I look for one, I just can’t find the right combination.

Which has something to do with the fact that I want to do everything, I know.

I’m even reading up on Incursions to see if I could join a fleet on those, I’m pretty sure that my main character is capable of fulfilling multiple roles.

We’ll see what the future brings, who knows, I might get an offer I can’t refuse

Stay tuned! o7 

The lessons you learn

Last night I decided that I wanted to go do a level 4 mission again. I went ahead and accepted a Guristas Extravaganza. As most of you that run missions know, it’s not too hard when you’re tanked well, you just sit there and shoot everything in sight. So that’s what I did, lock down as much as I could and just shoot them to pieces.

Naturally, that was what I did on the last pocket too, deciding to go for the frigates and destroyers first. But after a few weeks of doing mostly manufacturing, I had forgotten that shooting the trigger, is not something you want to do fast if there will be multiple battleships warping in.

Shooting the trigger of that next warp is not a smart thing to do either.

That is, of course, exactly what I did. Not only did I shoot the first two triggers, I shot every trigger. It didn’t take long for all the newly warped in battleships to get my shields down to 15%. This was the first time in a long while that I was actually afraid of losing my ship, I had to align to the closest asteroid belt and warp out of there. I tried going in there again, see if I could shoot a ship and then get back out, but that plan didn’t turn out too well.

At least that’s something I learned for next time; I’ll have to watch the triggers.

Luckily someone in the E-Uni channel was kind enough to help out, not only did she do 9 jumps, she came in here Scorpion Navy Issue, tanking everything in the room as we killed the ships.
I’m happy that she came along, very happy even that she decided to stop what she was doing to help this little noob that forgot about triggers.

This just goes to show that not everyone in EVE is a heartless scammer and that there are people out there willing to help out others. The only thing she asked for in return was for me to pay back her ammo and return the favor to someone else when someone asks for help.

Which is something I will definitely do, I’ve already been doing it whenever I could actually help anyhow. It’s nice to help out those who’re stuck.

On another note.. I really like the Scorpion, I should get one myself, the only problem is that I just can’t fly it worth a damn. And there’s still so much on my skill plan. But I want one, maybe I’ll just buy one to spin in my hangar and fantasize about all the lovely things I will never be able to do with it.

Survived to fight another day! 

Stay tuned o7